A Five Way Income Boost
Money is tight? If you need an income boost or perhaps just a bit of additional cash on a steady basis, you can earn extra money online using one or more of these methods.
1. Write Articles for Websites
There is a virtually insatiable need for good writers and writing on the world wide web. If you can write tight, clear prose, then this opportunity could be tailor-made for you. Blogs, which are like company diaries, are updated with short 250 to 400 word posts daily, and often several times a day. You get paid per blog post so the money can accumulate rather quickly each month if you're writing fifteen or twenty blog posts each week.
2. Auction Off Hot-Ticket Items
A quick check on the internet at sites like Amazon.com, Clickbank.com and Ebay will turn up an extensive list of wanted and high-demand items which you can then turn around and offer for sale in a number of ways. To auction off a high-demand item such as a hard-to-find book, record, poster, postcard, photo or other object, register with the site. Then upload a digital photograph or scanned image of the item for sale, set a minimum bid figure and wait for the bids to come in.
3. Enroll Yourself in Affiliate Marketing Programs
Undoubtedly, affiliate marketing is one of the fastest, easiest and most profitable ways to earn extra money online. You don't need to be a technical whiz or computer programmer to profit. You don't even need a website. It has to be one of the lowest-cost ways known to profit online. Go to an online product site or internet marketing site like clickbank.com or amazon.com for starters. Choose an item, course, e-book or program that interests you. Sign up as an affilite by following the instructions given. Promote the product or service in as many ways as you can. For each sale you gnerate, you will receive a percentage. That's it.
4. Advertise and Sell Your Own Information Products
Are you especially knowledgeable in any particular area? I'm willing to bet you are. Convert that expertise and skill into a way you can earn extra money online. Create your own information products such as videos, CDs, audio recordings, and e-books. The cost of doing so is minimal. You potential profits however, can be astronomical when compared to preparation, production and costs. You can produce an audio recording or short video in one day and have them for sale online the very same week with no problem.
5. Rent Mailing Lists to Companies and Individuals
Companies of all types are constantly looking to expand their client base and add more customers for their products. You can compile and rent out an extensive list of the names and information of people interested in a particular field, or who live in a specific geographical region or other demographic. The cost to compile such lists is low, sometimes free. Charge a fee for companies to rent out the list for one-time use. Repeat multiple times for added income.
Many other methods to earn extra money online are available, you just need to be creative in looking for and identifying them.
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